
The portrayal of yokai in ancient times

In this post, I would like to state about the origin of yokai. In ancient period in Japan, there is no word, yokai, and there is “mononoke”, which is unidentifiable existence. It is described in literature in the Heian period (794-1185). For example, mononoke is appeared as an apparition of living person in Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji). Furthermore, supernatural existence was recorded in Kojiki which is the oldest book in Japan and was written about Japanese history. Oni (ogres) are also recorded in ancient literature, and the figure is familiar to people in modern Japan. These existences are related to yokai in later ages. Descriptions about yokai increased at the end of the Heian period.
In this post, you will learn yokai in ancient period and the relation between yokai and ancient people in Japan. Japan and yokai have a long history. Learning ancient period and yokai in the period is important to know about Japan and Japanese popular culture because these literatures were Japanese popular culture in those days, and yokai in ancient period is related to that of popular culture in latter ages and today.

Reference: Miyata, Noboru. Yokai no Minzokugaku. Tokyo: Chikumashobo, 2002.

                  Yokai Wonderland. Tezukayama University. 2007. 10 Dec 2015.
                  Kimishiruya Kanokuni. Akikusa Junior College. 2010. 10 Dec 2015.

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